Re: Central Auditory Processing and NLD

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Posted by JAH on February 28, 1999 at 06:28:30:

In Reply to: Central Auditory Processing and NLD posted by Barbara on January 29, 1999 at 17:54:03:

: Does anyone have info/experience on the relationship of Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) to NLD? I’ve read basic articles on CAPD on this and other websites; we’re getting our 8 yr. old NLD daughter a CAPD eval. this spring. We originally began exploring “what’s wrong here”, when she was 6 1/2 because of wondering why she wasn’t “getting it” so often…guess that’s a familiar story! She has also been diagnosed ADD, disorder of executive function, dysgraphic….problems with working memory. The auditory processing has always been this mixed picture. Is it just problems with working memory and executive function? The high distractibility that is her version of ADD? Any and all insights appreciated.

Hi Barbara,

I have an 8 1/2 yr old son with CAPD and NLD and he also has high distractability. From the info I have received from the doctors his distractability is from the CAPD. His school tried to say that he has ADD but the psychologist said that he did not have ADD nor ADHD and that many times kids are miss diagnosed because of similarities. Are you having your child eval done by an audiologist?


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