Re: Frustration or disrespect???

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Posted by Lisa on December 29, 202 at 08:46:24:

In Reply to: Re: Frustration or disrespect??? posted by Karen Randall on December 29, 202 at 08:24:50:


I have a 10 year old daughter who often is “disrespectful”. I do believe that she is not really aware of how her words and tone of voice show a lack of respect. We are constantly working on this issue.

Quite often, it is the “me-centered” lack of real empathy showing through. It is extremely hard for me as a fairly sensitive individual to try to help my daughter understand the whole concept of feelings (especially others’ feelings). Also, she tends to “feel” things out of proportion to what I think she would be feeling at any particular time. In a way, it’s like an overreaction to what seems minor. Then the flip side is underreacting to what to me, is major!

It takes a lot of patience (hard for me at times) to appreciate what NLD children must be going through. I think teenagers add to all of this with the hormone issue. Hang in there and try to teach ( not just model) appropriate, respectful behavior.


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