Re: palm pilots, etc.

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Posted by AA on May 30, 202 at 07:20:33:

In Reply to: palm pilots, etc. posted by Christine on May 25, 202 at 07:28:42:

: I’m looking for ways to help my recently diagnosed NLD/ADD 15y.o. with organization at school. Have palm pilots, laptops, calculators helped your child?


I am an NLD/ADD Adult who feels the palm has been a godscend in helping me be organized. Of course, each person is different though. Would it be possible for your son to get an assistive technology through the school and perhaps the AT Professional could advise you as to what would work best for your son?

Another option would be to buy one of the cheaper palm pilot models at a place that has a 30 day return policy just in case your son didn’t like it. If you want to email me to discuss it further, my address is [email protected].

Good luck


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