Re: adderall

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Posted by martha on September 06, 2000 at 15:44:22:

In Reply to: adderall posted by linda on September 04, 2000 at 12:03:37:

: our daughter, 12, was put on adderall about a year ago to help control the meltdowns. it definately helped but now she is refusing to take it, saying it makes her feel sick to her stomach and she is convinced that it makes her talk more, which is probably her way of trying to describe another symptom she doesn’t like.
: of course we haven’t forced her to continue and as a result the meltdowns increase in frequency. she has begun her menstrual cycles as well so its often like living with a “hell cat.”

: anyone have ANY suggestions?????????
: linda

We tried both Zoloft and Paxil for our son’s anxiety/attentional/mood/frustration issues with some pretty bad side effects. While we were hesitant to keep experimenting, we are now using Anafranil (a precursor to the SSRIs) with a very positive outcome. What we’ve learned is that each child reacts differently to meds, and this really is a trial-and-error process–but it’s worth sticking with it. Our lives have changed incredibly! I’m no doctor, either, but maybe your daughter’s hormonal changes with adolescence warrant new medical evaluation.

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