Re: Wisc-III viq-piq discrepency

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Posted by susan on June 03, 2000 at 15:59:25:

In Reply to: Re: Wisc-III viq-piq discrepency posted by Lesley on June 03, 2000 at 12:14:47:

My son has a 66 pont spread. He has always been so verbally precocious and bright that it was clear to everyone, teachers included, that it would be absurd to not allow him into the gifted programs. But it was problematic in both school districts we’ve been in bcause the matrix that they use to qualify him would disqualify him because of his low performance score. Thankfully, a neuro psychologist friend of mine, and many articles you can find on gifted ld, point out that when you look at the “IQ” scores of an LD kid like mine, what you should do is double the good score and drop the low one. Given their general willingness to have my son included, although they needed a rational to go outside their own matrix, they’ve always let him in. A lot of that has been based on teacher recommendation and also noises I made about the matrix being de facto discriminatory against LD kids.
On the other side, they’ve always had something of a problem classifying him because he does fine in school ( all A’s and B’s) yet clearly has issues. What they usually come to is that there’s a discrepancy between his high ability (based on the verbal) and his performance (when he only gets B’s) which justifys the LD classification.
It gets very tiring sometimes as a parent to go through all this but the sense I usually get is that they just need to have something to cover the paper trail.
It really has been great for his self esteem to be included in the gifted programs, so he doesn’t get as down on himself about resource help. So it’s worth the struggle.
Good luck.

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