Re: is it possible to be good at math and NLD?

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Posted by M.A. on January 06, 19100 at 09:02:21:

In Reply to: is it possible to be good at math and NLD? posted by merle on January 05, 19100 at 13:19:15:

: My son was diagnosed a year ago, at the age of 12. He meets some of the criteria, but he is academically gifted, including in math. He is doing fine in geometry in 8th grade. Does anyone have a similar experience? Sometimes I think the divisions between Aspergers, NLD, etc, etc. are very vague! My son’s school does not know of his diagnosis as he does fine in school, though some teachers have commented about his social skills not being a strength.

Yes! My son, high school junior, is also gifted and taking full high school prep classes including Math. He is currently in Trigonometry and will take Calculus next year, but he did have difficulty with Geometry. I think due to spatial concerns maybe, but that’s it. Out of all of his classes, writing and English and foreign language give him the most trouble.

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