Re: can someone help me please?

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Posted by Kim on September 11, 1999 at 07:50:41:

In Reply to: Re: can someone help me please? posted by dave on September 11, 1999 at 05:13:52:

I guess you are probalby right, he probalby does have a mixture, which is making it such a hard thing to put our hands on.
Timmy has had many evals through the school, but she was very upset that the OT test only consisted of fine motor skills, and
didnt understand why sensory issues where not tested. She called the school system very inadiquate, and said this was going to be needed to be done.
The may institute just did an eval, and agreed with the PDD diagnosis, but said it want aspergers but pddnos. There has been lots of testing,
and I am sure she will use them, and order anything else that needs to be done. She is just in the begineing of working with Timmy,
and she will let me know by the end of next week, more of her thoughts, and what she is going to do. She said nonverbal learning disabilities
is a possibility she is looking at… that is why I need to learn as much as possible before next week.

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