Audio and Videotapes

NLDline NLDline features audiotapes and videotapes fromconferences, symposia, workshops and in-service trainings when they have relevance for theNLD community.     Checkout: for CD’s of thelatest NLDA Symposia      AUDIOTAPES                                  VIDEOTAPES

Nonverbal Learning Disorders vs Asperger’s Syndrome

The question arises constantly:  What are the differences between AS and NLD?  In an attempt to meet the need of the many individuals requesting this information, NLDline has made a separate feature with articles on the subject.  Please email NLDline with other articles or websites of interest on NLD vs AS EXCELLENT resource. …


Advocacy Ebook   Beginning to Advocate for your child   From Wright’s Law:  Starting an Advocacy Group   WRIGHT’S LAW NEWSLETTERS   ARTICLES   AMICUS   COALITIONS, WEBSITES, AUDIOTAPES, RESOURCES   VERMONT ADVOCACY GROUP   Self Advocacy   Technical Assistance for Parents and Community Advisory Committees   Finding Common Ground   Assertiveness and Effective Parent …

Adults with NLD

NLDLine NLDline is happy to add the NLD Adult Feature to this website.  While we know that there have been plenty of struggles for the NLD adult, this will be the place where adults with NLD can find and share situations and experiences that work for them, send NLDline information and suggestions, and network together.  …


NLDline 1. “Stress, Anxiety, Panic and Phobias:   Secondary to NLD”  by Sue Thompson   LDA Gram – Spring, 1998 2. “Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities:  An Emerging Profile”  by Caryl Frankenberger 3. “Developing an Educational Plan for the Student with NLD – Neurobehavioral Characteristics Seen in the Classroom – “ by Sue Thompson, 1998 4.  “NLD Revisited in …


Take this survey and see!                                     print out this survey and  answer  yes or no to each question                                          AT HOME with NLD:                                                                                                         Do you have successful strategies for NLD problem solving?                                    Do you have skills for neutralizing an NLD Meltdown?                                            Do you have enough knowledge to help your child learn social skills?                      Does everyone …


Dear NLDline Friends:  You will find a new format to this page.  In the past, each new piece of information was immediately added as I received the information. Hopefully, the new headings will help you get around this information more easily.  Remember, Newest NLD News  is merely  the page where new information is posted; often,  …

Welcome to NLDline!

Welcome to NLDline!     To help find resources on NLD, check out the NLDBooks Resource. NLD COACHING NLDCoaching:   Take this SURVEY and see how you fare; in response to many requests, your NLDline webmaster shares her skill. NEW – Summer 2010 Teen Retreat near Tahoe in California NLD RATING SCALE  NEWEST NLDline NEWS:click here 3 …