Seventh Annual NLDA Symposium

    March 28-29, 2003  Fort Mason, San Francisco, California KEYNOTE SPEAKER: JoanStiles, Ph.D. Department ofCognitive Science, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California. Groundbreaking researchfocusing on the relationship between brain development and the development ofbasic spatial cognitive abilities such as part-whole processing or spatialattention. Presenters: Nanci Bell, M.A.  Nanci Bell, M.A., is the …

Some Myths About NLD

Dear Friends,   I was reading through the different messages on the thread watchingsports and found it to be very interesting.  There is something about methat even as a child I wanted to prove people wrong.  When I was in thefourth grade, I had a basketball coach who used to make fun of me a …

Adult panelists, 9th Annual Symposium

Adult panelists, 9th Annual Symposium    Our moderator for the Adult Panel Session is Al Vadon,MA, who has been an NLDA board member for several years. Al holds two master?s degree, one in reading specialization (withemphasis in adult literacy) from Kean University, and the other incommunications from Michigan State.  Hecurrently teaches in the areas of reading and …


REGISTRATION FORM   NLDA’s 9th Annual Symposium  March 11-12, 2005 This form must be entirely completed and submitted with your payment. First  Name_______________Initial___ Last Name____________________Title______ Email Address                                                                                                                   Company                                                                                                                            Address                                                                                                                              City_________________________________State                                            Zip                       Day Phone (_____)______________________ Evening Phone (      __)                                                  Registration Fee (includes lunch):                                                         q       $140  Friday only, postmarked by 2-19-05 q       $160  Friday only, …


Albertsons Community Partners Program: If youare an Albertsons shopper, jot down NLDA’s”Community Partners Number”, 490001  27632 8 . The next time you shopat Albertson’s, give that number to the checker along with your PreferredSavings Card, and a donation will be passed along to NLDA, based on the amountof your purchase. You will not have to …


1. Use language to describe EVERYTHING. Use step-by-step instructions rather than saying, “Do it this way” and then showing how to do it.  Though a picture is proverbially worth a thousand words, this learning disability means that instructors must use those thousand words when showing a  picture or giving a physical demonstration. (“I shouldn’t have to tell you this” will …