Re: Interventions vs. no interventions

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Posted by AA on July 11, 201 at 08:27:46:

In Reply to: Re: NLD vs. ADD posted by lou on July 10, 201 at 20:22:59:


I love your positive attitude regarding your daughter. However, one additional point that I wanted to stress that gets overlooked is many NLD Adults didn’t have interventions and we are not leading the distasterous lives that Rourke predicted would happen.

My life isn’t perfect by any means but then whose is? Also, I still have many NLD problems to deal with but like many parents of NLD kids, I take them one at a time.

By the way, I just received a superior rating on my evaluation at work, something that allegedly NLDers aren’t capable of. Don’t mean to sound sarcastic but I wanted to show that even without interventions, adults with NLD are still doing quite well.


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